Monday, June 24, 2024


 Juan, lives in a poor village in Mexico, every day he sees his family go hungry, he sees them get sick and not be able to get proper medical care, he sees then without proper shoes, he sees them suffer every day because of a lack of basic needs. Juan loves his family and seeing this breaks his heart. He believes in God and he knows God would want him to do whatever he can to help his family.

He realizes there is little he can do in that small poor village, but that if he went to America he could get work that would pay enough that he could send money back home to his family, money that they could use to improve their lives. He knows there are jobs in America for men like him, Jobs picking the vegetables you eat, mowing your lawn, and doing other things you need done, but don't want to do. So he goes to speak with the government of the United States, and tells them he wants to come to America to work, so he can help his family. They hand him a paper, and tell him to fill it out. Once it is processed you can come to America to work, they tell him. How long will that be he asks. Oh eleven, or twelve, or thirteen months, go home and wait and we will let you know when you can come to America.

So Juan goes home to wait, but his family is still starving, still getting sick, still suffering, and Juan knows in his heart he can't make them wait if there is any other way. So Juan goes to America without those processed papers. He goes and gets a job, a job picking the vegetables you eat, mowing your lawn, and doing other things you need done, but don't want to do. He finds other men like him and they all rent an apartment together, The sleep in sleeping bags on the floor eleven, or twelve, or thirteen guys, so they can save as much money as possible and send it home to their families. None of them have processed papers, because none of them could wait. Because of that you say they are illegal and think they are bad people. The fact is they are actually heros, for doing what they had to do to take care of the people they love,

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 Juan, lives in a poor village in Mexico, every day he sees his family go hungry, he sees them get sick and not be able to get proper medica...